Monitoring Heart Palpitations At Rest

Even without working too much, heart palpitations at rest are manifested by lightheadedness, shortness of breath, chest discomfort, weakness and even fatigue, and other physical discomforts you have at your end.

From the results of laboratory studies and physical exam findings, heart palpitations at rest are evaluated by physicians with a comprehensive physical examination with special focus on the heart and lungs. One of the tests oftenly used is the electrocardiogram or ECG to identify heart palpitations at rest when both arrhythmia and palpitations happen at the same time.

Heart rate at rest, even with the shortness of breath may have bradycardia (slowed heartbeats lower than 60bpm) and tachycardia (rapid heartbeats at more than 100bpm). From this abnormal heart rhythm rate, you may also experience skipped or stopped beats. Heart rhythms may be normal or abnormal and it can be felt through the throat, neck or chest with heart palpitations at rest.

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Ambulatory EKG or Holter Monitor may be used to some patients with heart palpitations at rest that are severe with some sophisticated blood tests including thyroid tests and invasive procedures are served to serious heart conditions. With the absence of any serious condition, shortness of breath can be linked with heart palpitations at rest. The rhythmÂ’s irregularity should be tested with a comprehensive evaluation.

The risks from the heart palpitations at rest could have the heart unable to function and having it enlarged. It may lead to if assistance are not readily given or heart attack . Any new pattern of the heart such as pulse rate of more than 100bpm without any strenuous activity, anxiety or fever, frequent extra heartbeats (more than 6 per minute in 3 groups or more) or any risk factors for heart disease will be needing the attention of the Doctor.

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