The Silent Heart Attack: Deadly But Silent

Inmost countries around the world, heart diseases is the leading cause of death among the general population. Commonly,individuals with heart ailments are brought to the hospital once they have started experiencing chest pain, shortness of breath, cold sweat and dizziness. Identifying such symptoms demonstrate a heart attack which can cause stroke or even kill a person in a short time. However, there has been an increasing concern for a unique type of heart condition known as silent heart attack. Basically,silent heart attack is fatal because people may not feel anything at all – no pain nor shortness of breath. From a medical point of view, silent heart attack technically known as silent ischemia. This article provides a short outline of what a silent heart attack is all about and the risks associated with it.

Silent heart attack is a heart ailment which can cause death. It is quite uncommon but once it happens, the person can die. Silent heart attack or silent ischemia happens when the heart experience a chronic shortage of oxygen as well as blood. Any reduced supply of those life-giving elements would cause heart failure leading to heart attack. The body,especially the brain is at great risk when it does not receive any oxygen supply carried by the blood. So if the heart fails to pump blood properly, then a silent heart attack ensues.

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What is the culprit behind silent heart attack? Well, it’s made up two elements: unhealthy eating habits and an inactive lifestyle. Commonly, people’s food choices are more inclined to fatty food like bacon, steak, burgers and other meat products that contain bad cholesterol. Likewise,those who eat a lot are often potato couch or busy workers who never had the chance to perform any type of physical exercise. For that reason,arteries are blocked by plaque from fat which is known as atherosclorosis. The heart bears the pain of getting scarred until such a time that real pain is felt. As a result, the disease progress to a higher stage since silent heart attack can go on for years unnoticed. Only ECG and EKG tests would reveal later the extent of damage in your arteries.

A way of preventing silent heart attack is to develop good habits like quit smoking, eat healthy food and exercise daily. By doing so , you are not only helping yourself but doing your loved ones a very big favor.

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